Our Mission Statement

WGM provides quality, well-trained professional staff with one aim: To enhance the quality of life of our service users whilst promoting independence and dignity.

WGM Care is one of the best Health and Social Care Staff providers in the UK. We are committed to delivering individualised, person-centred care services that gives people choice and control over how they want to be cared for or how they want to be supported with respect to how they wish to live their lives.

Our services are designed around the needs and aspirations of every service user. Our services are responsive and flexible meaning; WGM Care is able to find creative solutions to provide all imperative care superlatively whilst ensuring that all needs are met within the prescription of every service users’ standard needs assessment & care and support plan.  

Our Staff are professionally trained to always be wonderful, genuine and meticulous in their care giving duties. They are able to offer and provide, personalised care and support when assisting service users carry out their day-to-day activities or routine in a considerate and safe manner. Be it:

  • Assisting with washing or bathing
  • Hair, skin, nail and foot care
  • Getting dressed and undressed
  • Preparing food ingredients
  • Cooking
  • Helping with eating and drinking
  • Managing medication and treatments
  • Using the toilet or commode
  • Incontinence management and support
  • Help with reading
  • Managing money
  • Socialising and being around other people
  • Talking, listening and understanding
  • Describing visual information
  • Managing mobility problems effectively
  • Managing lack of mobility problems properly
  • Support with long or short distance traveling
  • Shopping
  • Sorting out the laundry
  • Help with Ironing
  • Cleaning and keeping the home environment tidy and hygienic
  • Support to participate socially in community,
  • Support in developing positive social networks,
  • Support with access to leisure, work, legal help and educational opportunities.
  • Support with attending appointments
  • Support with managing hazards and risks within the home environment as well as when out and about
  • Support to overcome language and communication barriers etc.
  • Pain management
  • Sore management etc…

At WGM Care we are Wonderful, Genuine & Meticulous in our duties, leaving no stone unturned. We have a balanced culture that is nurturing, compassionate, empathetic, holistic and authentic. We give care at its best.



Nurturing lives with Empathy, Expertise, and Excellence.